原标题:星光连续 | 我科研讨生王淑玥和曾庆泽当选浙江大学“博士研讨生学术新星培育方案”


浙江大学“博士研讨生学术新星培育方案”是浙江大学为了全部遵从实施 ?涣鳌钡拊焓姑平?“杰出研讨生培育方案”和教育部博士研讨生教育归纳变革试点作业而树立的专项赞助方案,意图是为优良博士研讨生尽心打开高水平研讨作业创造条件,大力前进博士研讨生的学术立异才能和全球担任力,培育具有世界视界的优良立异人才。

近三年内,张敏鸣教授团队已有5名博士研讨生获得该项目赞助。此前,张敏鸣教授辅导的管晓军博士、耶尔凡·加尔肯博士和郭涛博士成功当选该方案,别离赴美国加州大学伯克利分校(university of california, berkeley, ucb)和北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(university of north carolina at chapel hill, unc)以及美国加州大学旧金山分校(university of california, san francisco, ucsf)造访学习。



王淑玥,浙江大学2021级博士生(直接攻博),师从浙江大学医学院张敏鸣教授,首要从事脑小血管病(svd)的神经印象学研讨,拟经过多模态磁共振成像技能在神经退行性疾病中探究svd致使脑损害及功用改动的神经机制。在读时刻,共参加宣告sci论文12篇,其间以第一作者或一起第一作者宣告sci论文3篇(top期刊2篇:human brain mapping、cerebral cortex);世界顶尖会议壁报展览1次(第27届ismrm)、口头陈述1次(第28届ismrm);国内会议口头陈述2次,获得2021年中华磁共振学会英文陈述二等奖;多次获得浙江大学优良研讨生、优良学生干部及三好研讨生称谓。


曾庆泽,浙江大学2021级博士生(硕博连读),师从浙江大学医学院张敏鸣教授攻读博士研讨生,首要从事阿尔茨海默病(ad)的神经印象学研讨,拟经过多模态磁共振成像技能探究ad的发生打开机制,寻找ad有关的印象学标志物。以第一作者在journal of alzheimer’s disease、frontier in aging neuroscience宣告sci论文2篇,以一起作者在cerebral cortex、translational neurodegeneration、neuroimage: clinical等杂志宣告sci论文14篇,世界顶尖会议壁报展览1次(加拿大蒙特利尔第27届ismrm),国内会议口头陈述2次、壁报展览若干次。



    understanding the association between psychomotor processing speed and white matter hyperintensity: a comprehensive multi-modality mr imaging study. shuyue wang, yeerfan jiaerken, xinfeng yu, zhujing shen, xiao luo, hui hong, jianzhong sun, xiaojun xu, ruiting zhang, ying zhou, min lou, peiyu huang*, minming zhang*. human brain mapping, 2021, 41(3):605-616.
    progressive memory circuit impairments along with alzheimer’s disease neuropathology spread: evidence from in vivo neuroimaging. kaicheng li ?, shuyue wang?, xiao luo?, qingze zeng, yerfan jiaerken, xiaopei xu, chao wang, xiaocao liu, zheyu li, shuai zhao, tianyi zhang, yanv fu, yanxing chen, zhirong liu, jiong zhou, peiyu huang*, minming zhang*, cerebral cortex, 2021, 10.1093/cercor/bhaa162.

    changes in the corticospinal tract beyond the ischemic lesion following acute hemispheric stroke: a diffusion kurtosis imaging study. xinfeng yu, yeerfan jiaerken, shuyue wang, hui hong, alan jackson, lixia yuan, min lou, quan jiang, minming zhang* and peiyu huang

    *, journal of magnetic resonance imaging, 2021, 10.1002/jmri.27066, 2021.

    distinct spontaneous brain activity patterns in different biologically-defined alzheimer’s disease cognitive stage: a preliminary study. qingze zeng, xiao luo, kaicheng li, shuyue wang, ruiting zhang, hui hong, peiyu huang, yeerfan jiaerken, xiaojun xu, jingjing xu, chao wang, jiong zhou and minming zhang*, frontiers in aging neuroscience, 2021, 10.3389/fnagi.2021.00350.
    factors associated with the occurrence and evolution of recent small subcortical infarcts (rssis) in different locations. hui hong?, ruiting zhang?, xinfeng yu, yeerfan jiaerken, shuyue wang, xiao luo, min lou, peiyu huang* and minming zhang*, frontiers in aging neuroscience, 2021, 10.3389/fnagi.2021.00264.
    increased striatal functional connectivity is associated with improved smoking cessation outcomes: a preliminary study. chao wang*, peiyu huang, zhujing shen, wei qian, shuyue wang, yeerfan jiaerken, xiao luo, kaicheng li, qingze zeng, cheng zhou, yihong yang minming zhang*, addiction biology, 2021, 10.1111/adb.12919.

    application of t1-/t2-weighted ratio mapping to elucidate intracortical demyelination process in the alzheimer’s disease continuum. xiao luo?, kaicheng li?, qingze zeng, peiyu huang, yeerfan jiaerken, shuyue wang, zhujing shen, xiaojun xu, jingjing xu, chao wang1, linlin kong, jiong zhou*? and minming zhang*?, frontiers in neuroscience, 2021, 10.3389/fnins.2021.00904.


    distinct spontaneous brain activity patterns in different biologically-defined alzheimer’s disease cognitive stage: a preliminary study. zeng q, luo x, li k, wang s, zhang r, hong h, huang p, jiaerken y, xu x, xu j, wang c, zhou j, zhang m. frontiers in aging neuroscience. 2021 dec 17.
    distinct atrophy pattern of hippocampal subfields in patients with progressive and stable mild cognitive impairment: a longitudinal mri study. zeng q, li k, luo x, wang s, xu x, li z, zhang t, liu x, fu y, xu x, wang c, wang t, zhou j, liu z, chen y, huang p, zhang m. journal of alzheimer’s disease, 2021.
    progressive memory circuit impairments along with alzheimer’s disease neuropathology spread: evidence from in vivo neuroimaging. li k, wang s, luo x, zeng q, jiaerken y, xu x, wang c, liu x, li z, zhao s, zhang t, fu y, chen y, liu z, zhou j, huang p, zhang m. cerebral cortex. 2021 oct 1.
    aberrant functional connectivity network in subjective memory complaint individuals relates to pathological biomarkers. li k, luo x, zeng q, jiaerken y, xu x, huang p, shen z, xu j, wang c, zhou j, zhang mm; alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative. translational neurodegeneration. 2021 oct 19.

    increased thalamic volume and decreased thalamo-precuneus functional connectivity are associated with smoking relapse.wang c, wang s, shen z, qian w, jiaerken y, luo x, li k, zeng q, gu q, yang y, huang p, zhang m. neuroimage clin. 2021 sep 28.
    venous disruption affects white matter integrity through increased interstitial fluid in cerebral small vessel disease. zhang r, huang p, jiaerken y, wang s, hong h, luo x, xu x, yu x, li k, zeng q, wu x, lou m, zhang m. journal of cerebral blood flow & metabolism, 2021 feb 16.
    abnormal white matter tracts of insula in smokers. wang c, wang s, huang p, shen z, qian w, luo x, li k, zeng q, gu q, yu h, yang y, zhang m. brain imaging and behavior. 2021 sep 24.
    wang c, huang p, shen z, qian w, wang s, jiaerken y, luo x, li k, zeng q, zhou c, yang y, zhang m. increased striatal functional connectivity is associated with improved smoking cessation outcomes: a preliminary study. addiction biology. 2021 may 21.
    li k, luo x, zeng q, jiaerken y, wang s, xu x, xu x, xu j, wang c, zhou j, huang p, zhang m. interactions between sleep disturbances and alzheimer’s disease on brain function: a preliminary study combining the static and dynamic functional mri. sci rep. 2021 dec 13.
    luo x, li k, zeng q, huang p, jiaerken y, wang s, shen z, xu x, xu j, wang c, kong l, zhou j, zhang m. application of t1-/t2-weighted ratio mapping to elucidate intracortical demyelination process in the alzheimer’s disease continuum. frontiers in neuroscience. 2021 sep 10.
    wang c, shen z, huang p, qian w, zhou c, li k, zeng q, luo x, gu q, yu h, yang y, zhang m. increased interregional functional connectivity of anterior insula is associated with improved smoking cessation outcome. brain imaging and behavior. 2021 apr.
    li k, luo x, zeng q, xu x, huang p, shen z, xu j, zhou j, zhang m. distinct patterns of interhemispheric connectivity in patients with early- and late-onset alzheimer’s disease. front aging neurosci. 2021 sep 6.
    luo x, li k, zeng q, huang p, jiaerken y, qiu t, xu x, zhou j, xu j, zhang m. decreased bilateral fdg-pet uptake and inter-hemispheric connectivity in multi-domain amnestic mild cognitive impairment patients: a preliminary study. front aging neurosci. 2021 jun 5.
    luo x, li k, jia yl, zeng q, jiaerken y, qiu t, huang p, xu x, shen z, guan x, zhou j, wang c, xu jj, zhang m; alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative (adni). altered effective connectivity anchored in the posterior cingulate cortex and the medial prefrontal cortex in cognitively intact elderly apoe ε4 carriers: a preliminary study. brain imaging and behavior. 2021 feb.
    wang c, huang p, shen z, qian w, li k, luo x, zeng q, guo t, yu h, yang y, zhang m. gray matter volumes of insular subregions are not correlated with smoking cessation outcomes but negatively correlated with nicotine dependence severity in chronic smokers. neurosci lett. 2021 mar 23.




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